The Improvement Playbook

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Welcome to the Improvement Playbook brought to you by Adapt Consulting. Here you’ll find tips and tricks to help your business improve team communication, company culture, organizational strategy and your business processes. Articles are categorized, click through a slider to learn more…

Communication Articles:

How To Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Company

How to Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Company here are two sides to the modern corporation. One is logical and analytical; the other is emotional and creative. The key to unlocking the hidden...

Give Employees Permission to Break the Rules

Give Employees Permission to Break the Rules hat if we told you we could improve your business productivity by unbuckling formality? What if we then told you that the best ideas are generated by the people...

Energize Your Employees With Debate 

Energize Your Employees With Debate  he conventional wisdom in today’s workplace is that debate is a sign of dysfunction. It’s a sure signal that a company has lost its focus, or that the company’s...

Don’t Let Routine Kill Your Business

Don't Let Routine Kill Your Business n the course of everyday business, it’s easy to develop a stagnant  perspective. As a line manager, you might begin to obsess over the bottom line, losing sight of what...

10 Steps to Energizing Employees with Healthy Debates

10 Steps to Energizing Employees with Healthy Debates et’s face it, the business world is changing. Companies used to be solely top-down organizations. These days, however, many businesses have turned to...

3 Simple Steps To Get Your Employees To Speak Up

3 Simple Steps To Get Your Employees To Speak Up or any company, a key competitive advantage is simply being able to leverage the creativity, insights and ideas of their employees. That sounds simple...

Where, When and How Should Companies Implement Employee Feedback Loops?

Where, When and How Should Companies Implement Employee Feedback Loops? ost companies have already deployed some form of customer feedback loop, but how many have also deployed an employee feedback loop?...

Give Employees a Voice, But Don’t Give Away the Company

Give Employees a Voice, But Don’t Give Away the Company ust because employees have been given a “voice” or a chance to be heard doesn’t mean that they should automatically get their way every time there’s...

Let Your Warts Show

Let Your Warts Show t might sound like an oxymoron, but failure and imperfection can actually be a source of competitive advantage for your company. Of course, the secret is learning how to channel all...

3 Management Mistakes Your Company Might Be Making Without Even Realizing It

3 Management Mistakes Your Company Might Be Making Without Even Realizing It f you read success stories from Fast Company, Inc., or Entrepreneur, it’s easy to come to a few misleading conclusions about how...

The ABC’s of Generations X,Y, and Z (Part 1)

The ABC's of Generations X, Y, and Z (Part 1) ne of the most powerful models for helping to understand the evolution of the modern American workplace is known as “generational theory.” First proposed by...

The ABC’s of Generations X,Y, and Z (Part 2)

The ABC's of Generations X, Y, and Z (Part 2) illennial's have been one of the most talked about generations in recent history. We know about their job hopping, their phone staring, their participation...

The ABC’s of Generation X, Y, and Z (Part 3)

The ABC's of Generation Z he members of Generation Z (those born after 1995) are just now entering the workforce. However, just like Generation X and Generation Y, their unique hopes, fears and aspirations...

Business Strategy Articles:

The ABC’s of Generation X, Y, and Z (Part 3)

The ABC's of Generation Z he members of Generation Z (those born after 1995) are just now entering the workforce. However, just like Generation X and Generation Y, their unique hopes, fears and aspirations...

The ABC’s of Generations X,Y, and Z (Part 2)

The ABC's of Generations X, Y, and Z (Part 2) illennial's have been one of the most talked about generations in recent history. We know about their job hopping, their phone staring, their participation...

The ABC’s of Generations X,Y, and Z (Part 1)

The ABC's of Generations X, Y, and Z (Part 1) ne of the most powerful models for helping to understand the evolution of the modern American workplace is known as “generational theory.” First proposed by...

How to Get Traction For Your Company’s New Year Improvement Initiatives

How to Get Traction For Your Company’s New Year Improvement Initiatives he New Year is well underway, and it’s likely no surprise that the start of the New Year is a popular time to roll out new strategic...

Channel Your Inner Sherlock To Find Value Mismatch In Your Company

Channel Your Inner Sherlock To Find Value Mismatch In Your Company he reason why some products and services do well, while other products and services don’t, often comes down to the fundamental question of...

How To Unlock Value in Your Organization By Thinking About Lawnmowers

How To Unlock Value in Your Organization By Thinking About Lawnmowers he process of unlocking value in your business starts by understanding how all the various functions of a product, service or project...

Let Your Warts Show

Let Your Warts Show t might sound like an oxymoron, but failure and imperfection can actually be a source of competitive advantage for your company. Of course, the secret is learning how to channel all...

4 Steps to Transforming into a “Bottom-Up” Organization

4 Steps to Transforming into a “Bottom-Up” Organization our company has always been run as a top-down organization, but now you are ready for a change. You may have noticed that the traditional emphasis on...

Rapid Prototyping (INFOGRAPHIC)

RAPID PROTOTYPING (INFOGRAPHIC) heck out our infographic on the process of Rapid Prototyping. This technique is a tool commonly used for product creation in the manufacturing industry. Our...

Don’t Let Routine Kill Your Business

Don't Let Routine Kill Your Business n the course of everyday business, it’s easy to develop a stagnant  perspective. As a line manager, you might begin to obsess over the bottom line, losing sight of what...

Manufacturing Articles:

Making A Career in Manufacturing Sexy Again

Making A Career in Manufacturing "Sexy" Again olve the Labor Shortage: Change Culture and Perceptions To Make Careers In Manufacturing Sexy and Appealing to Millennials. Perhaps the biggest challenge...

How To Unlock Value in Your Organization By Thinking About Lawnmowers

How To Unlock Value in Your Organization By Thinking About Lawnmowers he process of unlocking value in your business starts by understanding how all the various functions of a product, service or project...

Channel Your Inner Sherlock To Find Value Mismatch In Your Company

Channel Your Inner Sherlock To Find Value Mismatch In Your Company he reason why some products and services do well, while other products and services don’t, often comes down to the fundamental question of...

The ABC’s of Generations X,Y, and Z (Part 1)

The ABC's of Generations X, Y, and Z (Part 1) ne of the most powerful models for helping to understand the evolution of the modern American workplace is known as “generational theory.” First proposed by...

The ABC’s of Generations X,Y, and Z (Part 2)

The ABC's of Generations X, Y, and Z (Part 2) illennial's have been one of the most talked about generations in recent history. We know about their job hopping, their phone staring, their participation...

The ABC’s of Generation X, Y, and Z (Part 3)

The ABC's of Generation Z he members of Generation Z (those born after 1995) are just now entering the workforce. However, just like Generation X and Generation Y, their unique hopes, fears and aspirations...

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